Saturday, December 5, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009

Nani, I think, you were the most stubborn of all the Nanis of the world. We (Kusha and I) begged in front of you like anything to be with us for some days, but, you never gave a heed to us and were always busy finding pleasure amidst the chaotic environment of Kesar Villa. We are angry with you for not giving us, what was our right, right to listen to you, right to get scolded by you, right to eat poha made by you, right to tease u, right to irritate you, right to just be with you.
Nani you have most of the times been misunderstood by all of us, but I know you were right in whatever you did and whatever you used to advise. You always did things as per your experience and we foolish people, under the wrong impression of being intelligent and wise, thought and considered your views and advise to be outdated. But when I realize and think that we must always understand the context in which person is talking about, now too late, but I find you right. I blame everyone of us, mama, mami, masi, mummy, all of us to an extent that we were not able to justify our responsibilties towards you. We owe many things to you, but now, when you are not with us anymore, how to give back those to you. For this I just expect that even after you your family remain happy, prosperous and united. This is the only way we can give back what we owe to you.
I just pray to God, to bless your soul and also pray to God that please give all of us courage to face your physical absence and also to guide us such that, whatever you have expected and dreamt for your family, comes true and we all will work to help your soul rest in peace forever.
Nani we will miss you alwaysss. We need your blessings and your more time for us (mummy papa kusha and me) in whatever form you exist in. Be with us always.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Movie review: Flat No. 3's "Belagaam Talent - II" - PAL
It is an old saying, bigger the artist you are, chances of you becoming vulnerable to failure increases. Why: Bigger expectations. Belagaan Talent – 1 was fresh, crazy, and above all filled with far-fetched performances by all crack-actors. Belagaam Talent – II comes with clichéd storyline, lackluster direction and 'go-to-sleep' performances.
Song selected by conceiver can be debatable and so is his clichéd approach to present it under such reputable brand name. 'Pal' by K.K. is so monotonous that it seldom gives you opportunity to include your creativity, even to such talented artists.
Lack of proper direction can be seen throughout the movie. There is no thrill in scene progression, editing is ordinary, and cinematography is below average. Story tends to remain folded all the time. No moment actually presented any clue as to why 'yaad aaenge ye pal'?
Crack-acting is big a disappointment. Extra effort in shots can be observed on each crack-actor' s expression. Chetan is monotonous. Lav Grover gives a pity performance after his master piece in last movie, big disappointment. His eyes were so much affected by lights that it almost seemed like he has conjunctivitis. Amol's role was severely spoiled by camerawork. Only crack-actors who impresses are George and Manish. George again shows how multi talented he is. He understood the limitations of his performances and did a commendable job to overcome it. Best example is the scene where he expressed 'choti si' (at 2.23 seconds) with mere two fingers. Also he is the only one on who dark glasses seems be fitting. Manish did a tremendous job of expressing his pain. He displays intense feelings quite effortless. His Chinese eyes suit best for this movie.
On whole Belagaam Talent – II disappoints. I sincerely believe Carcons International will come back and come back hard. No one can take talent they have and one goof cannot stop future quality products from them.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Review of BELAGAAM TALENT by Arpit Gattani.
Movie review: Flat No. 3's "Belagaam Talent".
If I have to sum up my whole experience with Flat No. 3's "Belagaam Talent" in two words, I would say master piece. I am a big fan of Carcons International' s plays and movies and when I heard about this release, I called my home and booked a recliner sofa seat without wasting a moment. And then came the moment, movie started in grand fashion. And by the time it ended, I was lost deep into carconacy (a unique emotion which is mixture of ecstasy and lunacy).
Flat No. 3's "Belagaam Talent" starts with highly sensitive and controversial scene of Lav Grover singing a song (Himesh Reshamia's song more to add on that). We all have witnessed this marvelous scene several times in our lifetime and this one comes with no less intensity. As story unfolds, madness increases with each and every scene. This is definitely one of the best carconic story ever told on screen so far.
One aspect of Flat No. 3's "Belagaam Talent" which stands out is its direction. New director George has already achieved new heights with his maiden movie. Camera work is so precise and steady that I didn't even notice it is actually moving. Each minute detail was given upmost importance may be it Lav calling for Shalini for female part or changing appearances of characters on screen.
Crack-acting by the crack-actors in this movie is what we expect from such talented and experienced crack-actors. Lav Grover is at his wild best. He not only shows his dancing talent but also exhibit great physic, exceptional carconic timing and excellent chemistry with other crack-actors. A sheer delight to watch. Nitin brings so much charm and intellect to this carconic drama just with his sheer presence. Definitely we cannot see age taking over him in his performance. The way is perform each scene with so much perfection has always made me wonder. The scene (at 2:33 seconds) where he come banging onto screen and perform Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa Aaaaaaaaaaaa and where (one at 2:38 seconds) where he closes his eyes to concentrate on his singing and where (one at 2:53 seconds) he drops microphone where just out of this world.
Shalini comes as surprise package. Crack-acting in her first movies along with such legendary crack-actors takes courage by itself and performing at that level is something different altogether. She did not only match other crack-actors scene by scene but also surpassed them in some of the scenes. She looks well trained in carconic dancing and jumping too. Manish was good with caps and has potential.
Overall great movie, exceptional direction and crack-acting we will remember for long time. Must go!!!
To watch the movie go to and search for palm groves dance withthebgscore.
***** 5 Stars