Monday, September 16, 2013

Learn to Unlearn THE IDENTITIES

An American born but of Indian origin, accomplishes something and this is what she gets. The achievement of Nina Davaluri and  racist attacks on her must have left her with a big big question of 'Who Is She' American, an Indian, an American of Indian Origin, or a Non White girl who by some has also been verbally attacked as an Arab and as a Terrorist...just because she is an Asian or she is an Indian...or anything but not an American.
Well to be true this is not something new which is happening with someone. It has been a part of culture of almost every culture across the globe. Though it happens everywhere but basis varies like religion, caste, class, colour, creed, geography, language, attire, food and what not.
When I try to understand this point, I find "Fear of Loss of 'Identity'" is the biggest reason behind these various discrimination. People across the world are struggling to maintain, sustain and develop their identities. The people get fearful when someone 'encroaches' their 'vicinity' and start covering with a belief that this 'encroachment' is an attack on their 'identity'. To protect their 'identities' they take resort to the basic human instinct of being offensive. But as a matter of fact, being offensive tarnishes their identity more and even rapidly. So, what should be the solution of this 'IDENTITY CRISIS'. Education.
I am not sure of Education as an answer to this issue. If we seek solution in Education, then this kind of behaviour is least expected from the citizens of so educated and well developed countries like The USA. There is something more deep rooted which even present system of education is not well equipped with to tackle.
When I discussed this issue with some of my friends, some of them thought 'Political Reasons' are also one of the main factors behind and provides support to any kind of discrimination.  For me, political reasons always emerge from the fertile grounds which pave the way of manipulation. And those fertile grounds are nothing but a gap between what is which we see and what ought to be which we feel and a gap of understanding of the common people about the real condition and the fair condition. My concern is what is that weakness or characteristic which makes common people vulnerable and ready made for manipulation. And in such a way that they do not even realise that they are being manipulated.
I try to look for the reason of this vulnerability in lack of understanding of common people about the social system, about the fundamentals and thoughts on which a society is based and of which they are the part. I feel problem is that only a few people truly know what are those fundamentals and are equipped well with the knowledge about the society and its fundamentals. And many of these are the people who actually are unfortunately using their understanding and knowledge to manipulate others by customising the truth about the basics of a social system and hence gets involved in a process of mental conditioning which actually gives a society an identity which is more a pseudo then the real. And, around this pseudo identity emerges different identities based on various criteria. And then every action revolves around these identities and to maintain, nourish and flourish those.
But as I mentioned in above para...that many of the few people who truly understand society and its fundamentals are involved in manipulation, we are left with some people and a few of those few people whom we can rely on to build a better world. The latter must get involve in a process which helps common people to learn how to unlearn their identities and when they lose it all, then to create a universal identity of a universal citizen. I know it looks like a Utopian, non pragmatic and impractical notion as for now... but who has seen the future...It is the will of us who has taken us this far...its just to put the will in a right and a positive direction...towards the notion of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

1 comment:

Naman said...

Reading your article is so interesting Lav Sir.. Enjoyed your session with us a few days ago. Took a bit to find you but finally. :). Sir, I had some questions if you could please answer them.